In Memoriam – Thomas Elsaesser
- On 24 May 2020
In memoriam
Thomas ELSAESSER (June 22, 1943 – December 4, 2019)
We have learned some very sad news, the death of Thomas Elsaesser, a brilliant, cultivated, devoted and tireless researcher.
With generosity and dedication, Thomas, who was a member of TECHNÈS, had greatly contributed to facilitating the establishment of a partnership agreement with Amsterdam University Press, where he directed a collection that had become almost legendary: “Film Culture in Transition”.
We have just lost a great researcher in cinema. One of those who have allowed film studies to find their place within the university institution.
We will really miss you, Thomas.
- See the testimony (in German) of Vinzenz Hediger.
- See the tribute paid by his colleague and friend Maryse Elliott on the Amsterdam University Press website.
- See also the tribute of one of his first students and collaborators, Patricia Pisters, who succeeded him in the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam.
André Gaudreault
Director of the TECHNÈS international research partnership