Connaissance du cinéma episodes now available online
- On 1 October 2019
The first five episodesof the educational series Connaissance du cinéma, conceived by André Habib, professor in the Département d’histoire de l’art et d’études cinématographiquesat the Université de Montréal and produced by TECHNÈS in collaboration with the Laboratoire multimédia (LaM) of the Faculté des arts et des sciencesat the Université de Montréal, are now freely available on the site of Canal Savoir. The final episode will be posted in the coming weeks.
View the five episodesof Connaissance du cinéma
Episode 1
Les projectionnistes
Guests: Guy Fournier, expert projectionist at the Cinémathèque québécoise, and Julie De Lorimier, projectionist.
Episode 2
Le film de famille
Guests: François Auger, specialist in transferring archival films, and Annie Hardy, co-organiser of the event Journée du film de famille.
Episode 3
Les collectionneurs (part 1)
Guests: François Lemai, collector, and Louis Pelletier, film historian and collector.
Episode 4
Les collectionneurs (part 2)
Guests: François Lemai, collector, and Louis Pelletier, film historian and collector.
Episode 5
Les métiers du son
Guests: Marcel Carrière, sound engineer, film director, editor and scriptwriter, and Stephen de Oliveira, boom operator, sound engineer and musician.
Enjoy the series!