FSAC: Content Management of the TECHNÈS Encyclopaedia
- On 30 September 2019
The panel Éditorialisation de l’Encyclopédie TECHNÈS comme écriture cinématographiquetook place on 28 May 2018 at the University of Réginaduring the FSAC conference. The bilingual Encyclopaedia of Cinema Techniques and Technologieswas created under the aegis of the international partnership TECHNÈS and is organised around fifty thematic parcours, each of which is edited by one or two researchers recognised by their peers in a particular field (experimental film, animated film, documentary film, etc.). In the digital age, cinema’s modes of production and dissemination are becoming digital, as are cinematic forms themselves. This change is creating new issues and questions, in particular of a theoretical nature, for the field of cinema studies. Issues such as these were taken up in presentations at the FSAC conference in 2016, 2017, and more recently in 2018. The Encyclopaedia is part of the study of the links between cinematic forms in the digital age. More precisely, the presentations by TECHNÈS members on this panel addressed role of the person responsible for content management, a young scholar in charge of assisting the person(s) responsible for the parcoursin the creation of the parcours:
Rémy Besson(Université de Montréal), “Le responsable de l’éditorialisation, comme créateur d’une écriture cinématographique de l’Encyclopédie TECHNÈS”
Annaëlle Winand(Université de Montréal), “Le cinéma de réemploi: enjeux pour la constitution d’un parcours encyclopédique dans le cadre du projet TECHNÈS”
Philippe Bédard(Université de Montréal), “Performance corporelle dans l’oeil de la caméra: Méthodes d’analyse des caméras d’action et de leur influence sur la représentation du geste”
The implications for creation, the epistemological issues and the formal propositions currently under discussion were taken up by the panel.